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Feature Branching is Evil | Agile AllianceFeature branching is a commonly accepted practices in the IT industry, mainly used to control quality and feature delivery. Many times the inverse is true, and branches break the flow of the IT delivery process.
User Profile | Agile AllianceEdit your Agile Alliance profile, manage your membership, view your favorite content, and access your downloads
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Game On | Agile AllianceApplied Learning with Agile Games – come learn with games and exercises designed to instill “aha” moments for yourself, your teams, and those that lead them.
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Why Join | Become a Member of Agile AllianceBecome a Member of the Agile Alliance to support our mission, stay current on the latest Agile trends, and gain access to member events, resources, and people.
Event Sessions | Agile AllianceLearn more about insights and experiences shared at previous Agile Alliance Conferences in our Agile Event Sessions videos.
Agile Coaching Network | Agile AllianceThe Agile Coaching Network (ACN) is a live Web event and podcast where people share best practices about Agile adoptions. Collaborate with your fellow Agilists!
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